This post has been a long time in coming, to be honest I don't get a lot of time on our computer! Mostly, I handle things on my phone. But making a blog post with my teeny tiny phone keyboard is not fun so I have kept putting it off!
As you know, if you follow on facebook, we have added a second baby girl to our adoption. No, contrary to popular belief, we have not totally lost our minds;) We just feel very deeply that we should do ALL we can to help "the least of these". Dane and I feel very strongly that we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus while we are here on earth. That means that while we can and do pray for orphans all over the world, for us, being Jesus meant DOING something about the problem, it meant becoming "father to the fatherless". The more we have learned of the conditions in the baby houses in Eastern Europe the more we knew we had to do even more. Adding a another child to our adoption doesn't double the cost in fact it's just a few thousand more. For just a "drop in the bucket" we could redeem another life, we could ransom a daughter! We felt we couldn't say no.
"Jolie" as she is know, is just 6 months younger than "Morgan" and 6 months older than our Aliviah! So, yes, we will have 3 little girls under 3!! It will be crazy, I know, but SO worth it! These girls would spend their lives lying in a crib, with no one to hold them, no one to sing to them, no toys, no love. In all honesty the things I have learned about these baby house make my stomach turn. They keep me up at night praying God would hold our girls in the hollow of His hand, and keep them from the neglect and pain that is their lives right now. The baby rooms are often silent, the little ones have learned no one will answer their cry, so they stop crying, they don't babble and coo because no one talks to them or engages them in any activity. They are often only changed once a day, to conserve diapers and washing. They are fed a slurry of potatoes and water in a bottle twice a day. They are left to die, no one cares, no one had a heart for them they are not the center of anyones world. I don't know why God allows such things to happen to the most innocent, I just know that He showed us what we can do about it. And we can't ignore the call. So we jump in with both feet and right now, to be honest, we are swimming against the tide, it is hard work. I believe Satan does not want these little souls redeemed, he wants them to rot, you see the very act of adoption mirrors what Christ did for us, He redeemed us and brought us into the family of God. We did nothing to deserve this adoption, He did it freely and with the greatest of love. Satan wants us to fail, and he works so hard to that end. But we must work harder! We have the victory, we are more than conquerors! We will succeed!!
Please pray for us, that everything will fall into place and we can get our girls in Gods perfect time!
Thank you So much for your donations and for your prayers, both are needed to complete this work!
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